It’s all about the MK Base

Emma Segelov, MK Electric’s EMEA Marketing Operations Manager, looks at how the MK Base range can deliver when working with more prudent budgets, without worrying about performance…

The MK Base range offers high quality and safety standards with simple installation.

MK Electric’s new cost-conscious MK Base range is designed to meet and exceed client expectations for quality, safety, range and ease of installation.

Reputation is key
Buying products from a well-respected manufacturer is often more appealing especially when it comes to choosing products from a value range. You can benefit from proven engineering expertise along with robust product guarantees, regardless of whether it is a value or premium range.

MK Base is backed by a 20-year guarantee* plus the reassurance of knowing that the range is 100% electrically and visually tested at the point of manufacture. This allows users to spend cautiously without compromising on trusted reliability or performance.

Safety first
Even when budgets are tight, customer expectations are still high. The MK Base range delivers on safety and quality demands, whilst providing additional peace of mind for occupants. It features inherent anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties tested in line with the latest industry standards, which are in great demand.

Along with our Logic Plus range, it is the most widely tested antimicrobial wiring device range available, with testing carried out by an independent accredited laboratory to the latest standards for antibacterial measurement for plastics – ISO 22196:2011. These are made using urea formaldehyde, a high-grade thermoset material with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties inherent in the actual compound of the product.

As such, the range has been proven to have a kill rate of 99.99% on the Phi-X174 virus – one of the smallest known non-enveloped viruses which makes it harder to detect and kill – and is an internationally recognised standard in anti-viral testing when analysing the resistance of critical PPE and air filtration systems to blood-borne viruses.

It also has effective 24hr kill rates on MRSA (99.98%), E. coli (99.99%), salmonella (99.98%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (99.78%), Listeria (99.97%), and Staphylococcus Aureus 6538p (99.99%)**, which can be resistant to antibiotics.

The complete package
The MK Base range has a broad selection of products that meet the needs of today’s building owners and occupants. These feature USB integrated sockets, trailing edge LED dimmers as well as grid front plates and Euro plates, both of which are compatible with MK Electric’s Grid Plus and Euro range modules, helping to extend the range further to better meet the needs of a project.

The stylish design features and curved edges helps to elevate the quality look and feel, complementing any interior.

Ease of installation
Choosing from a value range should also help to meet tight build schedules, making convenient and time-saving features a must. Backed out and captive terminal screws make the MK Base range simple to install, meaning that you don’t have to sacrifice ease of use when maximising margins.

* Excludes electronic products
** Honeywell data on file

Available now, you can find more information and a MK Base Dedicated Stockist near you, at