IEBA – President’s appeal raises over €32K

Kind-hearted members of the Irish Electrical Benevolent Association (IEBA) answered an urgent fund-raising appeal by IEBA President Cel O’Reilly by donating over €32K to the charity so far…

Cel O’Reilly, President of the IEBA

Cel made the appeal in November because of the fund-raising hole caused by Covid-19 restrictions that forced the IEBA to cancel all its 2020 fundraising events. These included the Leopardstown Race day in March, the two-day IEBA summer golf days in Dublin and Cork and its main event, The Winter Ball.

The IEBA would normally raise around €60,000 from these events to help people in the electrical industry in need of assistance.

Cel praised the response from members and believes the final fund-raising total will be even higher.

How to donate

  1. Bank online to Bank of Ireland BIC BOFIIE2D IBAN IE98 BOFI 9002 8794 1097 27
  2. Go to and click on the donate button
  3. Post a cheque to… Irish Electrical Benevolent Association, 6 the Mill Building, The Maltings, Bray, Co Wicklow.
  4. Or make contact with any of the following committee members:
    Aidan Hayes +353 (0)87 2333008,
    Jim Rice +353 (0)87 6207667,
    Ian Brodigan +353 (0)86 6445010,
    Jimmy Whan +353 (0)87 2994199,
    Tony Murphy +353 (0)87 1232612,
    Jack Hegarty +353 (0)87 2786995,
    Pat Tully +353 (0)86 6060678,
    Dan Fisher +353 (0)87 988 0598,
    Phil Kane +353 (0)86 2448140