Support your industries charity with a Commercial Agreement

Organisations like yours can support the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) and the colleagues it helps every year by joining forces with the EIC through a Commercial Agreement (CA).

This partnership means your organisation fundraises for the charity through the sale of certain products or services.

As a CA partner, your product line directly donates to EIC’s sector colleagues in need, and by joining the CA you receive a bespoke marketing campaign advertising the charity’s partnership across multimedia and events. 

By becoming a CA partner, you are contributing to your Corporate Social Responsibility commitment and when implementing this initiative, you are donating directly to the industry and your entire supply chain. 

As a CA partner, you will have access to all standard EIC services and will receive exclusive member benefits in advertising and services. 

To become a CA partner or for more information regarding CA with EIC, please contact Tessa Ogle, Managing Director by emailing: