Inaugural AEW Awards lunch a huge success

The Association of Electrical Wholesalers (AEW) held its first Awards lunch in May to recognise and celebrate the best performers in the Staff Training Programme and WEEE Recycling Initiative…

For the first time in its history, the Association of Electrical Wholesalers (AEW) held an Awards lunch to celebrate and reward the businesses and individuals who have excelled in the WEEE Recycling and Staff Training Programme over the last year.

Taking place on May 18 at the Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley, the event served as a great opportunity for all electrical wholesalers across the country to come together and renew old relationships which were sadly interrupted by Covid-19 over the last number of years.

The AEW were delighted with the large attendance, especially as each member group within the AEW was fully represented.

There are six member groups within the association made up of CEF, EWL Electric, Fegime Ireland, IEBG, Kellihers and the Independents.
All six member groups received two WEEE Recycling Awards, a ‘Best Performing Branch, and a ‘Most Improved Branch.’ Similarly, all groups received two Staff Training Awards, a Winner and a Runner-Up.

The lunch was hosted by RTE’s very own Sports Presenter, Des Cahill who kept the mood light and humorous throughout. His interviews with Leo Donovan of WEEE Ireland, Cel O’Reilly of the IEBA, Tracy Hewett of the EDA and Gay Byrne of the EIFI were particularly insightful and interesting, while his chats with some of the winners gave the audience some great entertainment.

The 12 WEEE Recycling Awards were presented by Leo Donovan before lunch was served and the 12 Staff Training Awards were presented by Tracy Hewitt after lunch.

Speaking to Ireland’s Electrical Magazine about the event, Ken Legros of AEW said: “As it was an inaugural event for the AEW, it was important to do it properly and to create the right impression from the outset. So, we invested heavily in the room set-up, the audio-visual show and a professional presentation, which really paid off. It was evident that everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we hope to repeat the AEW Awards Lunch every second year.”


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