An urgent appeal from IEBA President

Irish Electrical Benevolent Association (IEBA) make an urgent appeal for donations...

Cel O’Reilly, President of the IEBA

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Irish Electrical Benevolent Association (IEBA) was forced to cancel all its 2020 fundraising events. These included the Leopardstown Race day in March, the two-day IEBA summer golf days in Dublin and Cork and its main event, The Winter Ball.

The IEBA would normally raise around €60,000 from these events to provide help people in the electrical industry in need of assistance. Thankfully, the charity was still able to help the 12 families that approached it for help this year but with without funding it will leave a substantial shortfall in its account for 2020.

In his President’s Appeal letter to IEBA members Cel O’Reilly, President of the IEBA asks for donations to help shore up that funding hole. He writes, “I am fully aware that 2020 has been a difficult year for our Electrical Industry, but I would really appreciate your generosity and support to the IEBA Committee at this difficult time.”

IEBA is a fully registered charity: CHY 14424 and company donations over €250 are allowable for tax relief. For a personal donations, the IEBA can gain an extra €112 tax refund from Revenue for every €250 received as a certified donation.

Cel reminds members, “You can bring a case of hardship or help a family in difficulty by making contact with any IEBA Committee member. You can also visit our website at and click on the Apply for an Assistance button.”

He thanks members for their continued support and adds, “hopefully, we can meet up and enjoy each others company again in 2021.”

1 Bank online to Bank of Ireland BIC BOFIIE2D IBAN IE98 BOFI 9002 8794 1097 27

2 Go to and click on the donate button

3 Post a cheque to: Irish Electrical Benevolent Association 6 the Mill Building, The Maltings Bray Co Wicklow

4 Or make contact with any committee member (see contact details)

IEBA Committee Contacts
Aidan Hayes………………….+353 (0)87 2333008
Jim Rice …………………………+353 (0)87 6207667
Ian Brodigan …………………+353 (0)86 6445010
Jimmy Whan ………………..+353 (0)87 2994199
Tony Murphy ………………..+353 (0)87 1232612
Jack Hegarty ………………..+353 (0)87 2786995
Pat Tully …………………………+353 (0)86 6060678
Dan Fisher …………………….+353 (0)87 988 0598
Phil Kane ……………………….+353 (0)86 2448140